How Coworking Spaces Are Navigating Through the Pandemic

It’s no secret that the pandemic has been hard on companies of all shapes and sizes ever since we first started hearing the words “COVID-19”. All around the world, companies have had to reorganize their operations multiple times to help stop the spread, which has often resulted in lost sales, lost jobs, and, in some cases, lost businesses entirely.

Though they may not be thought of as traditional businesses, coworking spaces haven’t been exempt from this struggle. The entrepreneurs, freelancers, and other small business owners who would normally benefit from coworking spaces have been choosing to work from home to limit their contact with others, leaving many desks empty in these community-minded spaces.

While not all coworking spaces have survived these trying times, some have managed to steer their way through by making some necessary adjustments to their business models. Here are some of the ways coworking spaces have been navigating their way through the pandemic.


What Have Been the Biggest Challenges for Coworking Spaces During the Pandemic?

Before we take a closer look at how coworking spaces have been responding, it’s important to consider what their biggest challenges have been since the beginning of the pandemic. A survey of coworking spaces showed that event cancellations were the most common consequence of the coronavirus outbreak, followed by conference room cancellations and membership cancellations.

This makes sense. As we have had to limit our contact with others, several people have been turning to online and phone conferences instead of in-person ones, leaving event spaces and meeting rooms empty. Part of the appeal of coworking spaces is being able to use these extra spaces, so it is also easy to see why some would choose to cancel their memberships entirely.

One of the main benefits of coworking spaces is bringing people together, you can see how it may be difficult for them to survive during the pandemic. Difficult, yes, but certainly not impossible.


How Have Coworking Spaces Effectively Responded to the Pandemic?

Some coworking space operators have had to change quite a few of their policies and procedures to stay afloat during the pandemic, often with varying degrees of success. In response to dwindling membership rates, for example, some spaces have lowered their prices for new members and offered discounts to existing ones. Some have even branched out from their usual clientele and have implemented student memberships to those who are taking online classes. It can be difficult to find a quiet place to study, especially if libraries are closed, so this can be a great opportunity for college and university students who live in busy households.

Lower prices and new kinds of members can certainly help keep the offices full, but they don’t do much for the sense of community that often comes along with coworking spaces. To address this, some places have started organizing online workshops and virtual networking events to keep members engaged and interacting with one another. They may not be quite the same as their in-person equivalents, but they can at least provide people with the opportunity to connect with others again, which is something that a lot of us have been missing during the pandemic.


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