How Coworking Spaces Enhance Employee Performance

While you may not have heard much about them just a few years ago, coworking spaces have become a trending topic in the business world lately. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, coworking spaces are membership-based workspaces that are commonly shared by small businesses, freelancers, and other independent professionals. It allows them the chance to get out of their isolating home offices and into an affordable workspace within a collaborative environment.

You may think that moving from a home office to a more social setting would negatively impact employee productivity, but it turns out that it often has the opposite effect: it gives it a boost. Let’s explore how coworking spaces enhance employee performance.


They Allow You to Set Your Own Schedule

Coworking spaces are often open to their members nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows workers the freedom to create their own schedules, which is perfect for those who don’t do well on a standard 9-5 shift. Some people may feel more productive if they can break up their working hours during the day while others may do their best work in the middle of the night. Coworking spaces are accessible to workers whenever they’re feeling most industrious, and this bodes well for employee performance.


They’re Full of Learning and Brainstorming Opportunities

A coworking space is often shared by professionals with a wide variety of skills and expertise, and members can certainly use this to their advantage. They don’t necessarily need to leave the office or wait for a return call or email if they’re stuck on a problem and need advice, as they have many other people that they can turn to within their shared workspace. This means they spend less time waiting around and more time on actual work, leading to an increase in productivity.


They’re Good for Networking

Independent professionals like freelancers and remote workers often don’t have the networking opportunities that others do when they’re part of a larger business – after all, they don’t even have coworkers for the most part. When they’re part of a coworking space, however, they may suddenly find that they have access to people from all kinds of industries.

This allows them to expand their network and make new connections with people that may be able to help them advance their careers. Their fellow coworking members can help endorse their skillsets, introduce them to other potential opportunities or contacts, and give them career advice. Meeting the right person at the right time can do wonders for one’s career and work performance, so you shouldn’t underestimate the power of networking opportunities in a coworking space.


They’re a Source of Social Support

Employees who work on their own may find themselves feeling awfully isolated at times, and this isn’t always great for their mental health. This loneliness may cause them to feel depressed or unmotivated at work, which can certainly have a negative impact on performance.

Joining a coworking space is an excellent solution to this problem, as it ensures that workers will be surrounded by like minded professionals on a regular basis. Even just a quick chat or check-in with a fellow member may be enough to lift an employee out of a bad mood and have a positive impact on their work performance.


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