How to Stay Motivated at Work During the Lazy Days of Summer

Staying motivated when you’re trying to work is difficult at the best of times, let alone when the hot and sunny weather is calling your name. When you work remotely, it can be incredibly easy to just skive off work, especially when you’re yearning for a slower pace after the stresses of the past year. However, the show must go on, no matter how beautiful the weather is. So how do you stay motivated during the lazy days of summer when all you want to do is be outside? In this article, we take a look at how you can have the best of both worlds, without letting your work fall behind.
Change your working hours
Depending on the type of job you have, you may easily be able to adjust your work hours to accommodate those precious summer months. If you’re not a freelancer who has the luxury of adjusting your own schedule, talk to your boss and see if changing your work hours could be a possibility. tells us why changing your work hours could help you avoid that summer burnout:
“Want to leave work at noon on Friday, or take Fridays off completely to have an extra-long weekend, working extended hours during the week? Knowing you will have that extra time to enjoy the summer can help keep you motivated even on the hottest days.”
Take your vacation
While booking your vacation may seem counterproductive, it is a great incentive towards getting through those working hours. Rewarding ourselves is important, and gives us an added reason to work hard all year round. Summer is the perfect time to allow yourself to slow down, unwind, and take some well-earned time off.
Create & Cultivate explains why booking a vacation can help keep us motivated during those hot summer months:
“It may sound obvious but it is time to book your vacation. What are you waiting for? Too often we want to save our vacation days for the perfect opportunity but if we’ve learned anything over the last year, there’s no time like the present. Carpe diem. And while you’re at it, throw out the mindset that hard work equals no breaks. We should all be prioritizing time for ourselves and bragging about how much sleep we’ve had instead of the hours we overworked. Saving your vacation days is not a badge of honor.”
Set up a summer desk
Last but not least, setting up a summer desk is a great way to enjoy the summer while getting your work done at the same time. Working from home means you have the luxury of working from anywhere, right? And if spending time outside helps you feel like you have the best of both worlds, then get to work setting up that summer desk!
Stacy Caprio, founder of Growth Marketing tells us how she enjoys the summer while still working on the Digital Examiner:
“I’ve found setting up a special desk that fits outside on my balcony and allowing myself to work outside in the warmth, outdoor beauty and sun is a great way to keep me motivated during the summer months. Instead of feeling trapped inside and wishing I were having fun outside instead of working, I get the best of both worlds and am able to work while spending time outside.”
Looking for an alternative space to working at home? Renting out a co-working space is a great way to help you stay motivated. Check out our co-working space here and claim your desk.