4 Reasons Collaboration Is Important in the Workplace

It’s not just an overused buzzword – there’s no doubt that collaboration is important in the workplace. In fact, successful collaboration can benefit your work and can make you more productive on a daily basis.
Just think about the last time you accomplished something truly great at work. Did you do it alone or did you have some help? Chances are, you worked together with others in some capacity to achieve this common goal. And it’s no wonder – there are several reasons why sharing ideas and workloads can improve both the quantity and quality of the final product.
So, in this blog post, we’ll explore four reasons why collaboration is essential in the workplace. Let’s go!
1. Shared Ideas Lead to Better Results
You can share ideas and perspectives when you work with others, which can lead to a brainstorming session that helps generate new thoughts and processes. See, the contributions of a team not only help with problem-solving, but can even help optimize existing techniques and find better ways to do things.
By sharing your ideas, you can challenge someone else’s way of thinking, which will result in more innovative, well-rounded results.
2. Faster Problem-Solving Abilities
Now, when there is a problem to be solved, collaboration can help to speed up the process. Working together with others can help everyone to find the solution faster instead of working alone and taking the time to figure out the solution on your own.
Sometimes, problem-solving requires diverse perspectives to generate potential solutions, and collaboration gives you just that.
3. Builds Trust and Increases Motivation
Collaborating with others creates opportunities to build trust and makes everyone feel like an important part of the team. No one wants to feel like the weakest link at work.
But when everyone feels that their ideas are being valued and their input is contributing to the success of the team, it builds a sense of trust, belonging, and motivation. More often than not, people love being a part of something bigger that allows them to accomplish their goals.
4. Professional Development
Finally, when you collaborate with others, you can learn from them. Every individual you work with brings unique perspectives and skills to the table, which you can use to improve your own professional development areas.
Now, you may not think that everyone at the workplace has something to offer, but you may be surprised! Collaborating with others can help provide a new way to approach a task, develop creative problem-solving skills and motivate you to take on new responsibilities and challenges.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, collaboration is important in the workplace. By pooling together different ideas, perspectives, and experiences, you can come up with better solutions, faster problem-solving abilities, build trust within a team, diversify perspectives, and learn from one another.
So, next time when you are given an opportunity to collaborate with someone, go for it! By doing so, not only will you increase the chances of success in your project, but also improve your professional development. Good luck!
Looking for a workspace that encourages collaboration? Then a coworking space may be right for you! Click here to see what La Collective Cowork has to offer, and inquire about one of our workspaces today.
How the Right Furniture Can Improve Work Productivity

Making sure that you have the right furniture in your workspace can directly affect how much work you get done during the day. A lot of people think that you need to spend a fortune on high-end furniture to see an improvement in your work productivity. This isn’t always the case. A few key pieces of furniture can make a big difference without costing you a lot of money. A comfortable chair, good lighting, and natural light are just a few essentials that can help you stay focused while working. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how the right furniture can improve work productivity.
A Comfortable Chair
A comfortable chair is the most important piece of furniture in any office space. Choosing a good one can make all the difference between back pain, sore shoulders, and long hours hunched over your desk. When choosing your seat, it’s important to consider factors like height adjustment and tilt control.
A chair with adjustable armrests will help keep your arms at a comfortable angle while typing or using a mouse. The tilt controls allow you to customize how much lumbar support you get from the back of your chair when sitting upright on it.
Good Lighting
Good lighting can make a huge difference in the productivity of your workspace. It can also help you feel more productive and comfortable as you work, so choosing the right light is crucial. Natural light is one of the most important things to consider when looking for good lighting in your workspace.
Natural light gives off an almost magical glow that makes everything look brighter and more inviting, which helps to encourage productivity and creativity. Artificial lights are great for creating a sense of warmth or calmness, but they don’t have quite the same effect as natural light on people’s moods.
Right Desk Height
A desk that is too high or too low can cause discomfort and poor posture. If your chair is too high, it will be challenging to remain upright while working, and you may experience pain in your lower back. Also, typing on a keyboard at this height can cause strain in your wrists and arms since they are not level with the desk surface. If your chair is too low, you tend to slouch forward as you type on the keyboard, which can lead to neck aches later in the day.
The ideal distance between the top of your chair’s backrest and its seat edge should be between 35-45 cm (14-18 inches), though it does depend to a certain extent on the individual. This allows you to sit up straight with your arms resting comfortably on either side of you and give space for using any component rests or foot supports if needed.
It’s easy to see how the right furniture can improve work productivity in the office. By providing comfortable and functional spaces, you and your employees can feel more at ease and ready to take on whatever tasks come their way. If you’re looking for ways to revamp your office space, consider consulting with a professional who can help you select the perfect furniture for your needs. With the right furniture in place, you may be able to increase work productivity and create a more positive work environment for everyone involved.
Still looking for that perfect workspace? See what La Collective Cowork has to offer here.
How to Stay Focused at Work During the Summer

The dog days of summer can be a challenge for anyone trying to stay productive at work. When the sun is shining and the temperature is soaring in the summertime, it’s tough to focus on work when you want to be outside. But with a few simple tricks, you can stay focused and productive during summertime. In this blog, we will analyze how to stay focused at work during the summer and maintain your productivity!
Get Up and Move Around Regularly
It is easy to lose focus while sitting at your desk all day. But if you take a break every hour or so to walk around or stretch, you’ll be able to remain focused and evade feeling sluggish.
Stay Hydrated
It is important to drink plenty of water during summer, especially when working in a hot environment. Stay hydrated throughout the day by having a water bottle with you. It will help keep your energy levels up and prevent headaches or fatigue.
Take Advantage of Natural Light
One of the best things about summer is the longer days and increased daylight. If possible, try to work near a window to take advantage of natural light. It will help you stay observant and focused throughout the day.
Avoid Distractions
Reviewing your social media or personal email when you’re bored at work can be engaging, but this will make it harder to focus. If you need a recess, step away from your desk and take a walk or read a book for a few minutes. Once you’ve taken a break, it will be easier to refocus on your work.
Plan Ahead
Consider how your workday will appear before it begins. Make a list of the chores or accomplishments you wish to accomplish. (Even in the shower!) Setting objectives can help individuals stay on task.
Organize Your Work Schedule
Consider changing your work schedule for the summer if possible. Morning workers may try to finish as many tasks as possible. Employees who enjoy working on cold evenings should plan ahead of time.
Revamp Your Workspace
If your motivation begins to drain in the summer, change your workstation. If you constantly look out of the window, you might want to relocate your desk away from this potential distraction. You may also benefit from the fresh air while working if you like breathing it in while you work. In the end, a happy and healthy workspace where you can perform at your best is essential for doing your best.
Prioritize High Value Work Activities
Automate as many work activities as feasible. It prevents you from wasting significant effort, time, and resources on complex operations. It also gives you a chance to focus on more important tasks.
Make Time to Exercise
We all space out at work (don’t tell the boss!). But it can be especially difficult to stay focused at work when you want to be outside in the summer. How can you get your brain going when you’re easily distracted? Do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise three to five days a week. Yes, that’s correct; performing something wonderful for your body may also benefit your mind.
It can be difficult to stay focused at work during the summer, but it’s not impossible! Following these tips can stay on track and be productive all season long.
Need a new workspace this summer? See what La Collective Cowork has to offer here.
Why Non-Work Activities Are Important for Productivity at Work

When it comes to working, sometimes it feels like all time we do is work, and the rest of our time is spent exhausted. But what if we told you that taking some time for yourself is good for your productivity? Believe it or not, engaging in non-work activities can help you focus and be more productive when you are at work. Check out some of the different things you can do to help improve your productivity below.
Take a Vacation
If you’re frustrated, tired, or can’t seem to get yourself into a working mindset, it’s time for a break. Gallup found that two-thirds of American employees are exhausted at work, which leads to decreased employee engagement and increased turnover. Take a vacation and return refreshed and ready to go later.
Walk Around the Office
Are you exhausted with yourself because you can’t seem to focus today? Get up and walk around the office; it’ll help you relax. If it’s only pushing your chair back from your desk and stretching out your arms and legs, take a break to get your blood flowing.
Stop Multitasking
You’re probably getting in the way while on the phone, chatting with a buddy online, and working on a spreadsheet. Multitasking has been linked to decreased productivity for years. Give yourself a much-needed break by closing all of your browser tabs. Then shift your full attention to what you were meant to be doing.
Take a Lunch Break
Tork conducted a poll that revealed that of those who take a lunch break every day, 78 percent feel they are “as effective and efficient” as they would want to be. That compares to 71 percent of people who don’t take a lunch break each day. Take a short break from work and eat lunch without checking your email.
Get Out of the Office
A change of scenery may be just what you need to increase your productivity at work. Get out of the office, whether for a few minutes or during your lunch break, to clear your thoughts away from your computer. Recharged and ready to go, you return refreshed.
Feed Your Mind
Taking time to read, listen to podcasts, and watch movies with my family is extremely beneficial – in unexpected ways. I’m not talking about business or technology books here; I’m speaking about anything. We have a custom on Saturday nights and frequently watch a film at home.
Discover New Ways
When I travel, I see that there is always another option even though we may do things a certain way at home. In other words, it encourages me to question preconceptions and discover new methods of accomplishing tasks.
Taking a break from work is important for productivity. We’ve looked at why non-work activities are beneficial, and we’ve also shared some ideas on how you can make the most of your breaks. What will you do during your next break? Will you read a book, walk, or watch a movie? Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s something that relaxes and rejuvenates you so that you can come back to work feeling refreshed and motivated.
Sometimes, the right workspace can do wonders for your productivity. Check out the different workspaces we have to offer at La Collective Cowork here.