Why Co-working Is the Way of the Future

When co-working began, it seemed more like just a concept than anything else. A portable office space seemed like a good idea for those few remote workers who were on the scene, as opposed to working in the traditional coffee shop. Now, co-working spaces have turned into a full blown industry, with remote workers relying on them to get their work done. We’re going to take a look at why remote workers have made co-working the way of the future.

The number of freelance workers has risen dramatically over the years, with this statistic only expected to grow higher. With independent workers steadily on the rise for many reasons (increased flexibility, less costs for employers and ability to travel to name a few), co-working spaces are becoming the new normal. This is due to the fact that many freelance workers see the many benefits of ditching the home office for a co-working setup and want to invest in renting a space.

Amaxra.com gives us some statistics on why freelance workers are starting to take over: 

“Research shows that 33 percent of today’s workforce comprises independent or freelance professionals, and by 2020, that number is expected to rise to 40 percent. There are a myriad of reasons why professionals—especially those in the technology space—are transitioning from full-time employees to consultants…”

While co-working may have initially seemed like just a trend to some (regardless of its many proven benefits), companies are now seeing their real benefits of extended workplaces. If an organization is allowing their employee to work from home, it’s become more expected that they will opt for a co-working space over more traditional options.

Cecilia Amador of Allwork tells us why co-working has become more than just a fad:

There are a multitude of reasons why co-working spaces are so popular. While some may enjoy working from their home offices, most will find that working from home will actually decrease their productivity in the long term. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including at home distractions, lack of motivation and a feeling of isolation.

Stacey Rudolph of Business2Community expands on more reasons why co-working spaces are growing in popularity:

“Coworking brings with it endless possibilities in the modern work environment. From happiness to increase productively and plenty of benefits in-between. Whether you choose a dedicated desk or a private office, coworking is capable of creating an environment that cultivates synergy and community chemistry that nurtures healthy business growth, increased wellbeing and worthy impact.”

Interested in renting a co-working space but need more information? Check out our co-working space here and claim your desk.


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